.. SatDump documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Nov 5 10:35:15 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to SatDump's documentation! =================================== What is SatDump? ================ SatDump is a general purpose satellite data processing software. It is a one-stop-shop that provides all the necessary stages to get from the satellite transmission to actual products. Features ======== * Support of many SDRs such as RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, etc. * Recording of radio basebands from your SDR * Decoding and processing the data from over 90 different satellites and even space probes. * Live decoding of supported satellite links such as APT, LRPT, HRPT, LRIT, HRIT and many more. * Image and data decoding from satellites such as NOAA 15-18-19, Meteor-M, GOES, Elektro-L, Metop, FengYun, etc. * Calibrated and georefrenced L1b products output on select satellites, such as Sea Surface Temperature, Microphysics, etc. ready to use for scientific applications such as numerical weather forecasts. * Support for projecting the satellite imagery over a map, including layering with other instruments or satellites. * Inmarsat Aero and STD-C EGC messages decoding. * Scheduler and rotator control for automated satellite stations. * Ingestor for automated geostationary weather satellites reception. .. toctree:: :caption: Documentation pipelines plugins sdr_options sat_tracker composites product_spec faq_troubleshooting build_windows scripting autotrack