Satellite pipelines

The aim of this is to list all possible satellite processing pipelines as well as their parameters. This does not explain the pipelines by any means. This should just simplify the CLIs use.


  • noaa_hrpt: NOAA HRPT

  • noaa_gac: NOAA GAC

    • backward: Over the US, NOAA satellites often transmit in reverse order. This mode allows decoding those backward replays properly.

  • noaa_dsb: NOAA DSB

  • noaa_apt: NOAA APT

    • satellite_number: For apt it is required to know what satellite is being received for projections and overlays. Options are 15, 18, 19

    • start_timestamp: Required for projections and overlays. If your .wav file is a supported format it will be read automatically. Unix timestamp of the start of the file. Must be UTC Unix timestamp in seconds.

    • align_timestamps: Aligns pass to the correct time using timing marks in the APT space data. Start time must still be within 15 seconds for this to work! Default: true

    • sdrpp_noise_reduction: Uses the APT noise reduction originally implemented in SDR++. Default: True

    • save_unsynced: Saves the image before it’s syncronized. Useful for weak signals. Default: True

    • autocrop_wedges: This will automatically crop the image to only include telemetry wedges considered valid. May discard a lot on bad images! Default: False

    • max_crop_stddev: If autocropping, the amount of noise to allow at the top/bottom of the image. Lower values = more cropping. Default: 3500. Useful range is about 400 - 10,000

    • save_wav: Saves the wav file. Default: False

Meteor M

  • meteor_hrpt: METEOR HRPT

    • year_override: Override of the year used for timestamps. Required when you are processing your file in a different year than the data was created.

  • meteor_m2_lrpt: METEOR M2 LRPT 72k

    • satellite_number: If specified, overrides automatic satellite dection, and treats the data as the specified satellite. Valid options: “M2”, “M2-2”, “M2-3”, or “M2-4”.

    • fill_missing: Fills in black lines caused by signal drop-outs or interference

    • max_fill_lines: Maximum contiguous lines to correct. Default is 50

  • meteor_m2-x_lrpt: METEOR M2-X LRPT 72k: Same parameters as meteor_m2_lrpt, plus

    • rs_usecheck: Discards data that fails the Reed-Solomon check. True by default, and it is recommended you leave it on - but you can set it to “false” if the satellite is transmitting bad RS codes, which may happen from time to time.

  • meteor_m2-x_lrpt_80k: METEOR M2-x LRPT 80k (Same parameters as meteor_m2_lrpt)

  • meteor_m_dump_narrow: METEOR-M Narrow Dump (WIP!)

  • meteor_m_dump_wide: METEOR-M Wide Dump (WIP!)


  • metop_ahrpt: MetOp AHRPT

    • write_hpt: Generate a .hpt file to load into HRPT Reader for processing.

  • metop_dump: MetOp X-Band dump


  • aim_dump: AIM dump


  • aws_pfm: AWS PFM L-Band (DB and Dump)

    • use_ephemeris: Use ephemeris data from the satellite for projection


  • bluewalker3_wide: BlueWalker-3 S-Band Wide

  • bluewalker3_narrow: BlueWalker-3 S-Band Narrow


  • cloudsat_link: Cloudsat S-Band link


  • coriolis_db: Coriolis S-Band Tactical DB


  • cosmos_2558_dump: Cosmos 2558 S-Band dump


  • cryosat_dump: Cryosat X-Band dump


  • dmsp_rtd: DMSP RTD

    • satellite_number: DMSP does not transmit a satellite ID. As instrument configurations do vary between them, it is required to identify the satellite. Options are 17, 18.


  • aqua_db: Aqua DB

  • terra_db: Terra DB

  • aura_db: Aura DB

Elektro / Arktika

  • elektro_rdas: ELEKTRO-L RDAS

  • arktika_rdas: ARKTIKA-M RDAS

  • elektro_lrit: ELEKTRO-L LRIT

  • elektro_hrit: ELEKTRO-L HRIT

  • elektro_ggak: ELEKTRO-L GGAK

  • arktika_ggak: ARKTIKA-M GGAK


  • fengyun_svissr: Fengyun-2 S-VISSR


  • fengyun3_ab_hrpt: FengYun-3 A/B AHRPT

    • write_c10: Generate a .C10 file to load into HRPT Reader for processing.

  • fengyun3_c_hrpt: Fengyun_3 C HRPT

    • write_c10: Generate a .C10 file to load into HRPT Reader for processing.

  • fengyun3_abc_mpt: FengYun-3 A/B/C MPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_d_ahrpt: Fengyun-3 D AHRPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_e_ahrpt: Fengyun-3 E AHRPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_g_ahrpt: Fengyun-3 G AHRPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_abc_dpt: Fengyun-3 A/B/C DPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_d_dpt: Fengyun-3 D DPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_e_dpt: Fengyun-3 E DPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_f_ahrpt: FengYun-3 F AHRPT

    • dump_mersi: Dump raw MERSI frames for processing with other software, such as Fred’s WeatherSat!

  • fengyun3_tlm_old: FengYun-3 TLM (Old) A/B/C/D

  • fengyun3_tlm: FengYun-3 TLM E/F


  • fengyun4_lrit: Fengyun-4 LRIT

    • ts_input: Input TS instead of BBFrame

  • fengyun4_hrit23: Fengyun-4 HRIT-II/III

    • ts_input: Input TS instead of BBFrame


  • gcom_w1_link: GCOM-W1 link

  • gcom_c1_link: GCOM-C1 link


  • gk2a_lrit: GK-2A LRIT

  • gk2a_lrit_tcp: GK-2A LRIT to xrit-rx

  • gk2a_hrit: GK-2A HRIT

  • gk2a_cdas: GK-2A CDAS


  • goes_gvar: GOES GVAR

  • goes_hrit: GOES-R HRIT

    • write_images: Saves FD, Meso, etc images (Default: True)

    • write_emwin: Save EMWIN Data (Default: True)

    • write_messages: Save Admin Messages (Default: True)

    • write_unknown: Save Unknown LRIT data(Default: True)

    • parse_dcs: Parse DCS files and save as json (Default: False)

    • tracked_addresses: When parsing DCS, only save info from the provided comma-separated addresses (Default: Save all DCS Messages)

    • write_dcs: Save DCS LRIT files (Default: False)

    • write_lrit: Write all LRIT files (Default: False)

    • fill_missing: Corrects black lines caused by interference or signal drop-outs (Default: False)

    • max_fill_lines: If fill_missing is enabled, sets the maximum number of lines that can be filled in (Default: 50)

  • goes_hrit_tcp: GOES-R HRIT to goestools

  • goes_grb: GOES-R GRB

  • goesr_cda: GOES_R CDA

  • goes_md1: GOES-N MDL

  • goes_lrit: GOES-N LRIT

  • goesn_cda: GOES-N CDA

  • goesn_sounder: GOES-N Sounder SD

  • goesn_sd: GOES-N Sounder Data

  • goesr_raw: GOES-R Raw Data


  • geonetcast: GeoNetCast

    • ts_input: Input TS instead of BBFrame


  • himawaricast: HimawariCast

    • ts_input: Input TS instead of BBFrame


  • inmarsat_std_c: Inmarsat STD-C

  • inmarsat_aero_6: Inmarsat Aero 0.6k (WIP)

  • inmarsat_aero_12: Inmarsat Aero 1.2k (WIP)

  • inmarsat_aero_84: Inmarsat Aero 8.4k

  • inmarsat_aero_105: Inmarsat Aero 10.5k (WIP)


  • npp_hrd: Suomi NPP / JPSS-1 HRD

  • jpss_hrd: JPSS-2/3/4 HRD

  • jpss_tlm: JPSS-2/3/4 Telemetry


  • jason3_link: Jason-3 S-Band link


  • lucky7_link: Lucky-7 UHF link


  • mats_dump: MATS dump


  • oceansat2_db: OceanSat-2 DB

  • oceansat3_argos: Oceansat-3 L-Band


  • orbcomm_stx: Orbcomm STX


  • proba1_dump: Proba-1 dump

  • proba2_dump: Proba-2 dump

  • probav_s_dump: Proba-V S-Band dump

  • probav_x_dump: Proba-V X-Band dump


  • falcon9_tlm: Falcon 9 S-Band TLM

  • starship_tlm: Starship S-Band TLM

  • crew_dragon_tlm: Crew Dragon S-Band TLM


  • stereo_lr: Stereo-A/B Low Rate

  • stereo_hr: Stereo-A/B High Rate


  • tgo_link: Mars TGO X-Band Link


  • tubin_x_dump: TUBIN X-Band Dump

    • check_crc: Checks frames for errors. This is usually desireable, but sometimes ignoring errors may decode a bit more!


  • inspiresat7_tlm: INSPIRE-Sat7 TLM


  • umka_1_dump: UmKA-1 dump


  • saral_l_band: Salral L-Band

  • angels_l_band: Angels L-Band

  • gazelle_l_band: OTB-3/Gazelle L-Band

  • yunhai_ahrpt: Yunhai AHRPT - Encrypted ;(

  • syracuse3b_tlm: Syracuse 3B TLM

  • scisat1_dump: SciSat-1 dump

  • CALIPSO: Calipso S-Band dump

  • youthsat_dump: YouthSat dump


  • chandrayaan3_link_1k: Chandrayaan-3 1k Link

  • chandrayaan3_link_2k: Chandrayaan-3 2k Link

  • chandrayaan3_link_4k: Chandrayaan-3 4k Link

  • chandrayaan3_link_8k: Chandrayaan-3 8k Link


  • dscovr_tlm: DSCOVR TLM Link

  • dscovr_hr: DSCOVR High-Rate Link


  • hinode_s_dump: Hinode S-Band Dump

  • hinode_s_tlm: Hinode S-Band TLM


  • iris_s_dump: IRIS S-Band Dump

  • iris_dump: IRIS X-Band Dump


  • kplo_sband_link: KPLO (Danuri) S-Band Link


  • landsat_ldcm_tlm: LandSat 8/9 S-band

  • landsat_ldcm_link: LandSat 8/9 X-band


  • orion_link: Orion S-Band


  • sentinel6_dump: Sentinel-6 Dump

  • sentinel6_tlm: Sentinel 6 S-Band TLM


  • tianwen1_link: Tianwen-1 Link


  • viasat3_tlm: ViaSat-3 TLM


  • msg_raw: MSG Raw Data

TODO: add Test, WIP